Should you know your vehicle car history?
It's easy to obtain a free vehicle history report at Del Toro Auto Sales |Used cars for sale Seattle
In the past, when you got ready to buy a used vehicle, you had to trust that the previous owner fully disclosed its collision history and title status. Unfortunately, since used vehicles can have several or more previous owners, this verbal history could become faulty and imprecise, which might leave you in a bad situation within months of your purchase. The vehicle’s history can take a toll on its overall condition.
At used cars for sales in Auburn, you can rely on the clear history documentation provided by CarFax report to help learn the history of a vehicle you’re considering for purchase.
That’s because every vehicle Del Toro Auto sales sells comes with a free CarFax Vehicle History Report for used cars for sale in Auburn. Armed with this data, you can make a more informed purchase decision.
It’s helpful to know how to get and read a free CarFax Vehicle History Report so you can make the best use of the information it contains. Here are some tips to get you started.
Let’s say you’re researching used 2007 CADILLAC ESCALATE. All of Del Toro’s vehicles come with CarFax reports (click under Free Vehicle History on individual vehicle pages on our, so you can be aware of reported accidents, title issues, and odometer verification. You can print this report and keep it with your research for future reference.
Understanding a vehicle’s history information will help determine whether that particular car is right for you.
Collisions can damage the framework and moving parts of used vehicles, including vehicles with unibody construction. The Accident Check feature on your used car CarFax report reveals reported collisions, and since this data comes from over 10,000 distinct sources, many of which are not government and independent agencies, accidents left unreported to the police or insurance may not show up on the report. While no report is perfect, it can give you a better sense of a car’s history before you buy.
The title verification section reflects the current status of the title and the cause of any change to its designation. After a serious collision or natural disaster, the insurance company may report the vehicle as totaled to state agencies. Repairing the damage does not fully restore the title to its prior state, and it will be reflected as “rebuilt” or “salvaged” on future reports. A rebuilt title can dramatically drop the vehicle’s value despite a lack of noticeable damage or defects. There are many other faults to consider as well while performing a title check, including water and fire damage.
The odometer section lets you review a history of reported readings for comparison to the numbers displayed on the dash. Discrepancies in this area can reflect tampering with the odometer, which can have a detrimental effect on your car ownership experience. The mileage readings should steadily climb through the years, not suddenly fall back. This would indicate that the previous owner or owner’s shop may have tampered with the car’s actual mileage. Del Toro auto sales does not sell vehicles whose odometers have been “rolled back.”
If the vehicle was used as a taxi, rental, or fleet vehicle, this information will show up in the Event Records section. We occasionally at used cars for sale Seattle, sell cars and trucks that were once used as rental and fleet vehicles.
The detailed history section shows a paper trail of all the times a vehicle was bought and sold since new. This section indicates sale dates, locations, and event details that give you a fuller picture of that vehicle’s past. Beyond showing how many times the vehicle has changed hands and how far it has traveled, this section can reveal the potential for location-specific issues. If a vehicle spent most of its time in a snowy area, for instance, you may want to check the body, frame, and undercarriage for rust before making your purchase.
If you find yourself agonizing over the choice between two similar vehicles, go ahead and compare the vehicle history reports to help you make your final decision. Vehicle problems may directly relate to the way the vehicle was used and cared for over the years, so don’t be afraid to rule out cars with marks on their record.
If you’re buying a used vehicle from a private seller, ask to have it looked over by a licensed mechanic—preferably someone you know and trust. The seller may not be aware of problems that existed before they purchased it.
Once you have a better idea about a car’s potential issues, you’ll better know what you’re getting into, rather than leaving the future to chance alone. It may not be possible for a used car’s complete history to be known, but CarFax vehicle reports on used cars Seattle can illuminate lots of a car’s background so that you can make a more informed choice.
If you have any questions or would like to request a CarFax Vehicle report on any of Del Toro’s auto sales used cars, please contact us. You can also check our website to see the used cars vehicle reports.
Thursday, November 30, 2017
Thursday, November 23, 2017
Top Appraisal Questions by Customers | Del Toro Auto Sales Auburn
6 Top Customer Appraisal Questions
Just like buying a car, selling a car is a big financial transaction. You may be familiar with Del Toro auto sales one of the best places to find a used vehicle in Auburn and buy used cars, but you can also count on us as an easy and convenient way to sell a car.
We're here to help answer your questions and share some tips so you can sell your car with confidence.
Here are the top 6 questions about selling a car that we've heard from customers like you.
Many owners overestimate the condition and value of their car, so it's smart to do a little research. There are quite a few online resources that can provide you with general guidance and help you estimate how much you can get for your car.
To get an offer for your car, bring your car to Del Toro auto sales for an appraisal. Our trained appraisers take into account the following factors when evaluating your car:
Book Value
Market Value
Accident history
Keep in mind that when trading in your vehicle minor imperfections have little impact on our appraisal offer, but major defects like frame or flood damage do.
There are pros and cons to selling your car yourself. Going through Craigslist or similar websites may get you more money for your car. But for many people, the amount of time it takes and the uncertainties of dealing with strangers make it simply not worth the hassle.
Many of our customers come to Del Toro auto sale in Auburn for an appraisal as a starting point. You can get an appraisal from us and check with other auto dealer or buyers. we know customers may want to 'shop around' and compare other offers to ours and that's okay.
Getting last-minute maintenance or a thorough cosmetic detailing may help your car make a positive first impression on potential private buyers. To our appraisal team, however, the long-term maintenance and care of your car is what's most important. We also take in consideration if you will be buying a car from us. If you do the appraisal value may be higher than if we were to purchased your vehicle out right.
Another key factor is your car's mileage. Keeping the miles low on any car is a great way to minimize depreciation impact over time. We like to see trade- ins with less than 100,000 miles but we will more than happy to take a look at any vehicle even if it has a lot of miles.
What about after-market modifications and accessories - like a spoiler or a unique paint color? While these upgrades might make your car more distinctive, they may also limit your car's market appeal. However, certain upgrade packages that include options like leather seats and a Bluetooth connection may be beneficial when you're ready to sell.
Depending on the type of vehicle, new wear-and-tear components like brakes and tires can be a plus. High-end luxury and sports cars are often equipped with specialty high-performance tires and brakes, which can be expensive to replace so having new brakes will help to get a higher appraisal. In some vehicle replacing the timing belt after 100,000 miles can give us more confidence to pay a little more for your vehicle as long as paperwork is provided to show the repairs.
But keep in mind that this is not always the case. In some instances the average vehicle, by replacing these items may not significantly affect our appraisal offer. If you have any questions about your car's appraisal, your Del Toro Auto sales appraiser can provide you with a detailed explanation about the factors that influenced your offer.
Like we mention before one key difference about Del Toro auto sales is that our appraisal offer may different if you were to purchase a used vehicle from us. That's not always the case but you can try to negotiate the fact that you will be buying a car from us to get more money for your trade.
When you shop around for a dealer to buy your car, you have to be careful not to be tricked. You may be familiar with "flexible" trade-in values that are standard practice for many in the industry. Some dealerships will give you generous price for your old car, but not a fair price on the car you are about to purchase. It may mean you paid too much for your new used car.
Here are the requirements for selling your car .
What to bring with you:
Your car's title or payoff information
All parties listed on the title
Valid photo ID for all titleholders
All keys and remotes
Contact Del Toro auto sales if you have any questions about what you need to bring with you. Once you've sold your car, don't forget to contact your insurance carrier to let them know.
When you're ready to sell your car, Del Toro auto sales in Auburn is a great place to start. Please read our reviews online about how we treat our customer and how was their experience buying from Del Toro Auto Sales. We appraise many cars every year, and our goal is to make selling your car a quick and easy experience.
Saturday, November 18, 2017
¿Cual es la mejor manera de comprar un carro?
Comprar un carro usado | Pagarlo todo o financiarlo
Usted tiene dos opciones: pagarlo todo o financiarlo para pagarlo con el transcurso del tiempo. La financiación aumenta el costo total del carro porque también está pagando el costo del crédito, incluyendo los intereses y otros gastos. También debe considerar cuánto dinero puede pagar como anticipo o adelanto, el monto de la cuota mensual, el término o período del financiamiento (por ejemplo, 48 meses), y la tasa porcentual anual o APR aplicable.
Por lo general, las tasas de interés del financiamiento para carros usados son más altas que las de los préstamos para carros nuevos, y usualmente, los términos son más cortos.
Los concesionarios y otras fuentes de financiamiento (tales como compañías de finanzas, uniones de crédito, o bancos) ofrecen una variedad de términos de financiamiento. Busque, compare y negocie el mejor trato posible. Si es la primera vez que compra un carro — o si su crédito no es muy bueno — tenga cuidado con los ofrecimientos especiales de financiación.
Es posible que tenga que pagar un anticipo considerable y que le apliquen una tasa APR alta con mal crédito. Si usted acepta una financiación con una tasa de interés anual alta, podría estar tomando un gran riesgo y tardaría bastante en pagar su carro aparte de pagar altas cantidades en interés.
• Si decide vender el carro antes de que termine el tiempo del financiamiento, es posible que la suma que obtenga por la venta del carro sea más baja que lo que necesite para pagar el acuerdo de financiamiento.
• Si le embargan el carro, o si tiene un accidente que causa una pérdida total, tal vez tenga que pagar una suma grande de dinero para terminar de pagar la cantidad del acuerdo de financiamiento, incluso después de deducir el pago del seguro o la suma de dinero obtenida por la venta del carro.
• Si tiene un presupuesto ajustado, quizás tenga que considerar la posibilidad de comprar y pagar al contado un carro más económico que el que tenía previsto comprar.
• Si usted decide financiar la compra de su carro, antes de firmar cualquier documento, asegúrese de comprender los siguientes aspectos del acuerdo de financiamiento:
◦ Cuál es el precio exacto que está pagando por el vehículo
◦ Cuánto está financiando
◦ Cuál es el cargo financiero (el monto en dólares que le costará el crédito)
◦ Cuál es la tasa porcentual anual o “APR” (la medida del costo del crédito, expresada en términos de tasa anual)
◦ Cuántas cuotas pagará y cuál es el monto de cada cuota
◦ Cuál es el precio total de venta (la suma de los pagos mensuales más el pago inicial
Esto podría ayudarle a ahorrarse bastante dinero cuando compra un carro en pagos. En Del Toro auto sales tenemos muchos años ayudando a la gente hispana a comprar carros usados en pagos. El interés depende de la situación de cada una y de su historial de crédito.
Pero si le podemos garantizar que con más o menos enganche le podemos conseguir un prestamos para su próximo carro usados. Consulte totalmente gratis con uno de nuestros especialistas en prestamos para más preguntas.
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
Budgeting for your next used car | Car Financing Auburn
Tips and tools to help you plan for a used car purchase.
Buying a car or truck is a big deal, financially. Like they say, it’s probably one of the biggest purchases you’ll make, after buying a home. And with sticker prices on today’s vehicles that can often exceed $20,000, it’s not a decision one can (or should) make lightly. At Del toro auto sales in Auburn we can help you, so you make a good decision. To be sure, the cost of parking a used car in your driveway calls for some solid, ahead-of-time planning and budgeting.
The main question is, So how should you budget for a car purchase?
These days, many people finance their car purchases. Some actually do buy a vehicle outright with cash, but by and large, customers opt to pay for their car or truck over time. This is called financing, and it’s a common way of paying for used cars.
Many Del Toro auto sales customers make a down payment on a car at the time of purchase; they will then borrow the rest, often including the cost of taxes, fees, and pay this amount back over time. At Del toro auto sales we have a variety of prices starting at $2,999 and up. If you were to finance a used car with us we could put you in a under $10,000 car and your payments would be around the $200-300 a month on a short term loan. Meaning 24-36 months. But of course your credit score will play a big factor on the calculating the payment.
The time you take now to plan for your next car or truck purchase is time well spent — it’s the smart thing to do! Whether you’re buying a car on a budget or not, here are some tips to help you plan.
Budgeting for a Used Car or Truck
Arming yourself with knowledge about the process will help ensure you won’t feel intimidated when it’s time to make your purchase. And when you know how much you have to spend, you’ve got sturdy guardrails to help you stay on track.
Use Del Toro’s auto sales payment calculator
One of the best tools we offer customers on the hunt for a used car is an interactive calculator that helps you budget for a car purchase. Using it is easy. When you search our website, on each car if you scroll down you will automatically see the payment calculator. Just Plug in the term and what you think. Click a box to include estimated title cost, taxes, and fees for the state where you live. Plug in your estimate for an annual percentage rate on the amount you’ll finance. Finally, play with the size of the down payment you plan to make, and the period of time you’d like to repay the amount you finance. These numbers can help give you a ballpark estimation of how much you’ll need for your purchase and what your monthly payment could look like. Use it as much as you like – it’s free!
Figure out how much you may spend
We’re not financial advisors. But at Del toro auto sales, we share common tips with our customers, both to help them with budgeting and so they can make their purchase with less stress and more confidence. The more closely a customer sticks with these tips, the better chance they may have of getting competitive financing.
1. Set aside a reasonable portion of your pay. Many financial institutions suggest 15-20 percent of your gross monthly income as the amount you might spend for a car payment each month. You can use this guidance when you’re creating your budget and starting to shop.
2. Your down payment will affect your monthly payment. Want a smaller, more manageable monthly payment? The larger your down payment, the smaller your monthly payment will be. And, a larger down payment reduces the amount you’ll need to borrow.
3. Your credit is important. The stronger your credit profile, the better your chances of getting approved for more favorable credit terms. We can tell you about your credit, Click here for a quick credit check in less than 30 seconds.
4. Budget for the cost of ownership. A reality of car ownership is that used cars need regular attention beyond weekly fill-ups at the gas station. Fluids will need replacing. Tires will require rotation. Brake pads must be replaced. And typically, the more expensive the car you choose, the more you could pay in maintenance costs. Also, don’t forget to budget for gas, insurance, taxes, and, potentially, an extended service plan.
Trade your car and include your car’s value in your budget planning
We’ll address this further in a future installment on down payments. For now, though, if you plan to trade in the car or truck you’re driving today, Del toro auto sales can appraise it to give you an offer; the equity in your current Vehicle can be included in your budgeting for a down payment. If you own your vehicle (if it's paid off and you have the car's title in hand) you may be able to use your appraisal value as part of your down payment. If you’re still making payments, you may owe more or less than the appraisal value of your car. If you owe less, you can apply that amount toward your down payment. If you owe more, you may need to consider that amount when you’re budgeting for a used car. An appraisal can help you understand the role of your current car's value in your budget.
So ask yourself: what makes the most sense for your needs — not just for now, but also for several years from now. Are you planning to start a family? If yes, two-seater convertible may not be the right purchase and your budgeting might be better directed toward a family car.
We at Del toro auto sales think that budgeting is an important part of shopping for, and buying, your next used car. Click here to get pre-qualified as part of your budgeting process.
Buying a car or truck is a big deal, financially. Like they say, it’s probably one of the biggest purchases you’ll make, after buying a home. And with sticker prices on today’s vehicles that can often exceed $20,000, it’s not a decision one can (or should) make lightly. At Del toro auto sales in Auburn we can help you, so you make a good decision. To be sure, the cost of parking a used car in your driveway calls for some solid, ahead-of-time planning and budgeting.
The main question is, So how should you budget for a car purchase?
These days, many people finance their car purchases. Some actually do buy a vehicle outright with cash, but by and large, customers opt to pay for their car or truck over time. This is called financing, and it’s a common way of paying for used cars.
Many Del Toro auto sales customers make a down payment on a car at the time of purchase; they will then borrow the rest, often including the cost of taxes, fees, and pay this amount back over time. At Del toro auto sales we have a variety of prices starting at $2,999 and up. If you were to finance a used car with us we could put you in a under $10,000 car and your payments would be around the $200-300 a month on a short term loan. Meaning 24-36 months. But of course your credit score will play a big factor on the calculating the payment.
The time you take now to plan for your next car or truck purchase is time well spent — it’s the smart thing to do! Whether you’re buying a car on a budget or not, here are some tips to help you plan.
Budgeting for a Used Car or Truck
Arming yourself with knowledge about the process will help ensure you won’t feel intimidated when it’s time to make your purchase. And when you know how much you have to spend, you’ve got sturdy guardrails to help you stay on track.
Use Del Toro’s auto sales payment calculator
One of the best tools we offer customers on the hunt for a used car is an interactive calculator that helps you budget for a car purchase. Using it is easy. When you search our website, on each car if you scroll down you will automatically see the payment calculator. Just Plug in the term and what you think. Click a box to include estimated title cost, taxes, and fees for the state where you live. Plug in your estimate for an annual percentage rate on the amount you’ll finance. Finally, play with the size of the down payment you plan to make, and the period of time you’d like to repay the amount you finance. These numbers can help give you a ballpark estimation of how much you’ll need for your purchase and what your monthly payment could look like. Use it as much as you like – it’s free!
Figure out how much you may spend
We’re not financial advisors. But at Del toro auto sales, we share common tips with our customers, both to help them with budgeting and so they can make their purchase with less stress and more confidence. The more closely a customer sticks with these tips, the better chance they may have of getting competitive financing.
1. Set aside a reasonable portion of your pay. Many financial institutions suggest 15-20 percent of your gross monthly income as the amount you might spend for a car payment each month. You can use this guidance when you’re creating your budget and starting to shop.
2. Your down payment will affect your monthly payment. Want a smaller, more manageable monthly payment? The larger your down payment, the smaller your monthly payment will be. And, a larger down payment reduces the amount you’ll need to borrow.
3. Your credit is important. The stronger your credit profile, the better your chances of getting approved for more favorable credit terms. We can tell you about your credit, Click here for a quick credit check in less than 30 seconds.
4. Budget for the cost of ownership. A reality of car ownership is that used cars need regular attention beyond weekly fill-ups at the gas station. Fluids will need replacing. Tires will require rotation. Brake pads must be replaced. And typically, the more expensive the car you choose, the more you could pay in maintenance costs. Also, don’t forget to budget for gas, insurance, taxes, and, potentially, an extended service plan.
Trade your car and include your car’s value in your budget planning
We’ll address this further in a future installment on down payments. For now, though, if you plan to trade in the car or truck you’re driving today, Del toro auto sales can appraise it to give you an offer; the equity in your current Vehicle can be included in your budgeting for a down payment. If you own your vehicle (if it's paid off and you have the car's title in hand) you may be able to use your appraisal value as part of your down payment. If you’re still making payments, you may owe more or less than the appraisal value of your car. If you owe less, you can apply that amount toward your down payment. If you owe more, you may need to consider that amount when you’re budgeting for a used car. An appraisal can help you understand the role of your current car's value in your budget.
So ask yourself: what makes the most sense for your needs — not just for now, but also for several years from now. Are you planning to start a family? If yes, two-seater convertible may not be the right purchase and your budgeting might be better directed toward a family car.
We at Del toro auto sales think that budgeting is an important part of shopping for, and buying, your next used car. Click here to get pre-qualified as part of your budgeting process.
Thursday, November 9, 2017
How having a Down payment affects your auto loan
Why does your Down Payment Matter
Here is some good advice for car buyers about how much money to put down.
Are in the market for a used car or truck? If you are, you’re probably wondering about the smartest way to pay for it. How to finance a vehicle is one of the questions we hear most often from our customers.
There are four main factors considered in an auto finance credit decision: your personal credit history, your application information, the vehicle you’re considering (its age, mileage, and price), and your down payment. In this article, we’ll help you understand the importance of a down payment.
What is a down payment?

“A down payment will reduce the amount you borrow when making a purchase, and it could also lower your annual percentage rate and monthly payment.”
A down payment is the amount of cash or trade equity you pay up front when you finance a vehicle. The amount of money you put down affects the amount of your monthly payment. It could also help improve your financing offer, which could include a lower annual percentage rate.
How much should you put down?
Del Toro auto sales customers often ask us about the average down payment on a car or truck. The short answer: the more you can comfortably put down, the better! Making even a small down payment — even $500 — is better than making no down payment.
Putting down any amount as a down payment can improve your financing offer.
Your down payment will reduce the amount you borrow, and your down payment amount could also lower your annual percentage rate and monthly payment.
Banks like to see commitment towards the vehicle purchase so the more Down payment you have more money you will save in the long run.
Del Toro auto sales offers its customers fair pricing in our vehicle, which means we don’t negotiate any part of the transaction with you. The money you put down goes directly toward lowering the amount you finance. No haggling, no games. We always make it super easy, you can see our google customer reviews and read some of our customers experience with Del Toro auto sales.
If you’re not sure how much you can afford to put down, you can talk to one of out finance specialist and they will figured out for you the best posible scenario, plus other variables so you can estimate a vehicle finance budget that makes the most sense for you.
Use your vehicle’s appraised value or other sources for your down payment
Some customers don’t know they can use the equity they have in their current car or truck as part of their down payment, and they don’t consider this when they’re budgeting for their next vehicle. In addition to putting cash down, you could add the trade-in value of the car you drive now — that is, if you’re ready to sell it. Learn how to get your car or truck appraised here. You can also use your tax refund as a way to make a down payment.
Don’t get upside down
The larger your down payment, the less likely you’ll be “upside down” — this can happen when you owe more on your car than its value at the time of sale or trade-in. This is also known as negative equity.
Del toro auto sales in Auburn can help
If you don’t have the funds for a down payment at the time of purchase, don’t be discouraged about buying a used car. At Del Toro auto sales we work with a number of different finance sources that can provide a variety of financing options. Wether you have good credit, bad creditor no credit at all we can help you get financed. Obviously the more down payment you have the better, specially is you have challenging credit.
Want to learn more about financing with Del toro auto sales in Auburn for your next used car or truck? Contact us on our website or by phone calling 888-324-2978.
Here is some good advice for car buyers about how much money to put down.
Are in the market for a used car or truck? If you are, you’re probably wondering about the smartest way to pay for it. How to finance a vehicle is one of the questions we hear most often from our customers.
There are four main factors considered in an auto finance credit decision: your personal credit history, your application information, the vehicle you’re considering (its age, mileage, and price), and your down payment. In this article, we’ll help you understand the importance of a down payment.
What is a down payment?

“A down payment will reduce the amount you borrow when making a purchase, and it could also lower your annual percentage rate and monthly payment.”
A down payment is the amount of cash or trade equity you pay up front when you finance a vehicle. The amount of money you put down affects the amount of your monthly payment. It could also help improve your financing offer, which could include a lower annual percentage rate.
How much should you put down?
Del Toro auto sales customers often ask us about the average down payment on a car or truck. The short answer: the more you can comfortably put down, the better! Making even a small down payment — even $500 — is better than making no down payment.
Putting down any amount as a down payment can improve your financing offer.
Your down payment will reduce the amount you borrow, and your down payment amount could also lower your annual percentage rate and monthly payment.
Banks like to see commitment towards the vehicle purchase so the more Down payment you have more money you will save in the long run.
Del Toro auto sales offers its customers fair pricing in our vehicle, which means we don’t negotiate any part of the transaction with you. The money you put down goes directly toward lowering the amount you finance. No haggling, no games. We always make it super easy, you can see our google customer reviews and read some of our customers experience with Del Toro auto sales.
If you’re not sure how much you can afford to put down, you can talk to one of out finance specialist and they will figured out for you the best posible scenario, plus other variables so you can estimate a vehicle finance budget that makes the most sense for you.
Use your vehicle’s appraised value or other sources for your down payment
Some customers don’t know they can use the equity they have in their current car or truck as part of their down payment, and they don’t consider this when they’re budgeting for their next vehicle. In addition to putting cash down, you could add the trade-in value of the car you drive now — that is, if you’re ready to sell it. Learn how to get your car or truck appraised here. You can also use your tax refund as a way to make a down payment.
Don’t get upside down
The larger your down payment, the less likely you’ll be “upside down” — this can happen when you owe more on your car than its value at the time of sale or trade-in. This is also known as negative equity.
Del toro auto sales in Auburn can help
If you don’t have the funds for a down payment at the time of purchase, don’t be discouraged about buying a used car. At Del Toro auto sales we work with a number of different finance sources that can provide a variety of financing options. Wether you have good credit, bad creditor no credit at all we can help you get financed. Obviously the more down payment you have the better, specially is you have challenging credit.
Want to learn more about financing with Del toro auto sales in Auburn for your next used car or truck? Contact us on our website or by phone calling 888-324-2978.
Thursday, November 2, 2017
Best Minivans for sale in Auburn | Del toro auto sales
Used Dodge Caravan SXT Auburn | Del toro auto sales
Easily accommodate seven passengers in the Dodge Caravan. Available in five trims, this Dodge minivan boasts a 283-horsepower V6 engine in every trim and delivers smooth shifting action and adequate power. Its competent suspension, weighted steering, electronic stability control traction, and four-wheel anti-lock disc brakes are also standard and enhance comfort and control.
Base amenities on each trim option on latest years include keyless remote entry, power sliding doors, Stow ‘n Go seating, and front and rear air conditioning. Standard steering-wheel-mounted audio system controls and hidden storage bins as well as an optional towing package improve this minivan’s functionality and versatility.
We have two Dodge caravans at Del toro auto sales that you can test drive at anytime. See more on the links below.
2010 Dodge Grand Caravan SXT
Used Kia Sedona LX Auburn | Del toro auto sales
Known as a multipurpose vehicle, the Kia Sedona and its five trims offer a value-oriented option for consumers.
While the Kia Sedona looks more like an SUV than a traditional minivan, it seats seven or eight depending on which trim you purchase. Additional user-friendly options on all trims on later year models include the rearview camera, an AM/FM/CD/satellite audio system, and Slide-n-Stow seats. Drivers and passengers can also appreciate the minivan’s noise suppression, which creates a quiet cabin.
The smooth ride and quick, deliberate maneuvering are standard features on all trims and stem from the minivan’s electric power-steering system and 276 horsepower, 3.3L V6 engine. Overall, this model compares favorably to other minivans and continues to be a smart selection for consumers.
We also have two of the kia Sedona's LX for sale at Del toro auto sales in Auburn.
Please see more details on the links below.
At Del toro auto sales we offer great finance options for first time buyers or customers with challenged credit. Call us at Del Toro auto auto sales at 888-324-2978 or apply here for a super fast credit approval. Also you can check out our use vehicle inventory here.
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